Senator Andrea Padilla is summoning the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) to account for poor practices in livestock transport.
The international NGO Sinergia Animal has revealed new evidence about the transportation of pigs, chickens, and hens in Colombia, and is supporting the complaints with actions both inside and outside Congress.

Bogotá, August 26, 2024 – A political oversight debate on animal transport to slaughterhouses will begin at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 28. For the first time, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) will answer to the Congress of the Republic about recent complaints of poor practices and violations of national regulations. These issues were uncovered in an investigation by the international NGO Sinergia Animal.
“It’s no secret to Colombians that the transport of animals to slaughterhouses is cruel and ruthless. Now, we have evidence showing the inhumane conditions in which animals exploited for consumption are transported. Videos have been published showing dead and injured pigs, overcrowded chickens, hens showing signs of heat stress, and, most alarmingly, workers engaging in beatings and other forms of abuse that are prohibited by law,” says Andrea Padilla, a Senator in the Congress of the Republic.

The images show the loading process at a Colombian poultry farm, where animals are mishandled, grabbed by their wings, and forced into tiny cages. The conditions inside the trucks transporting pigs and chickens are also documented.
“In addition to the suffering animals endure during long road trips without access to food or water, these spaces are unsanitary, increasing the risk of serious zoonotic diseases like viruses and superbugs that can be transmitted to humans,” explains Lyda Durango, Managing Director of Sinergia Animal in Colombia.
During the debate, a plan of action will be demanded from the three entities to ensure compliance with animal welfare standards, as outlined in Resolution 20223040006915 of 2022. This resolution adopts the Procedures Manual for the Transport, Handling, and Movement of Livestock and sets other provisions. Although there is a three-year transitional period to reach compliance with the conditions set out in the Manual, with 2025 as the deadline, it is expected that such poor conditions and mistreatment will be entirely prohibited by then.
Citizens Demand Compliance with Animal Transport Regulations
On Tuesday, August 27, a peaceful protest led by Sinergia Animal will take place in Plaza de Bolívar, starting at 11:00 a.m. A six-meter container will be set up to show the main video from the investigation, raising awareness among the public and collecting signatures for a petition directed at the mentioned entities. Photographs from the investigation will be displayed in a strategic location in Congress to set the tone for the debate.
“This is a historic moment for the protection of animals exploited for consumption. Transport is one of the most stressful and difficult stages for the animals and we hope that through these actions and the debate, institutions and industry groups will ensure compliance with the legal framework for livestock transport by road and promote continuous improvement initiatives,” concludes Durango.

To view Sinergia Animal’s full investigation and support their petition, visit:
About Sinergia Animal
Sinergia Animal is an international animal protection organization working in the Global South to reduce the suffering of animals raised for food and to promote more compassionate food choices. It is recognized as one of the most effective NGOs in the world by Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE).
High resolution images and videos can be found here.