Sinergia Animal reveals disturbing images of Zenxin’s egg supply chain, denouncing animal cruelty and unsanitary conditions.
[Malaysia, September 25, 2024]—Sinergia Animal, an international animal protection NGO, has uncovered distressing conditions within farms in Malaysia, from which major retailer Zenxin sources its eggs. The investigation (, conducted in recent months, reveals laying hens living in cramped cages and unsanitary environments, contradicting the company’s claims of a 100% organic production chain.

“Zenxin is a leading producer, distributor, and retailer. They are a member of the International Federation of Organic Farm Movements (IFOAM) and are certified by the National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA). With this evidence, we confirm that Zenxin’s supply chain includes battery cages, a system not allowed by organic standards, one of the cruelest animal farming systems, and unsanitary conditions. This is a tremendous contradiction for the company and represents misleading information for Malaysian consumers,” says Carolina Galvani, Executive Director of Sinergia Animal.
Malaysia's long road to animal welfare
According to the NGO, these investigations expose the hidden reality of the Malaysian egg industry. Throughout their lives, are confined in small cages, limiting their capacity to exhibit many natural behaviors important to their species. They suffer from frustration, stress, and lack of exercise and have painful bone diseases. Barns have no proper ventilation, and the animals are forced to live in cages with heaps of feces accumulating beneath the cages.
With the increasing scientific evidence about battery cage welfare concerns, several countries worldwide, including the European Union and some US states, have banned or started to phase out conventional battery cages. According to the Asia Cage-Free Benchmark, a report assessing governments’ progress in cage-free transitions across the region, Malaysia scored the lowest of 17 countries on this matter, with 4 out of 140 points.
Companies as drivers of change
“This level of animal suffering is unacceptable, and Zenxin must take immediate action to address it,” says Carolina. “As a leading organic retailer, they have the potential to lead this change in the Malaysian egg industry and demonstrate transparency for consumers concerned about the negative effects of animal agriculture.”
To learn more about Sinergia Animal’s investigation, visit
About Sinergia Animal
Sinergia Animal is an international animal protection organization working in Thailand and other countries of the Global South to reduce the suffering of farmed animals and promote more compassionate food choices. We are recognized as one of the world's most effective animal protection NGOs by Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE).