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Indonesian fish farms and markets


An investigation conducted by Act For Farmed Animals and We Animals Media has revealed, for the first time, the low animal welfare standards to which fish species such as tilapia, catfish and milkfish are subjected in Indonesian fish farms. Fish were found in very poor sanitary conditions: being raised in ponds with plastic bags, showing signs of disease, and with dead fish floating in pens. Bad conditions result in about half of all baby fishes dying before they reach market size.
Once removed from the water, the fish are transported on ice to grocery stores, a terrible practice that can keep them alive for many hours, prolonging their suffering. At local markets, they are skinned and cut open while still fully conscious. Indonesian retailers keep fish alive in tiny tanks in their stores, where they can barely swim and may suffer from pain, fear and stress.

Videos: Act For Farmed Animals/ We Animals Media
Photos: Act For Farmed Animals/ We Animals Media
Year: 2022
License type: Non-commercial use


Credit: Videos: Act For Farmed Animals/ We Animals Media

Photos: Act For Farmed Animals/ We Animals Media

Year: 2022 License type: Non-commercial use Usage & License

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