Uruguayan egg farms
An investigation carried out by Sinergia Animal has uncovered for the first time how eggs are produced in Uruguay. Narrated by actress and rapper Josefina Tomás "Clipper", the footage shows hens living in cramped metal cages amidst their excrement and the corpses of other hens. Sinergia Animal is also organizing an initiative called "Uruguay Sin Jaulas", inviting Uruguayan supermarkets Ta-ta, Disco, and Tienda Inglesa to ban this practice within their supply chain. Find out more at www.uruguaysinjaulas.com


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Work by Sinergia Animal licensed under CC0 1.0
You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
Sinergia Animal will appreciate if you give us credits, but this is not mandatory.
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